mercoledì 3 maggio 2017


Alcuni semplici dialoghi in inglese utili anche per prepararsi all'esame di terza media.
In fondo alcuni titoli possibili per le tracce d'esame. 

At the restaurant

Waiter: Hello. What would you like?
You: I'd like a pizza Margherita. Can I have less mozzarella on it?
Waiter: Yes, sure. Would you like something to drink?
You: A Fanta, please.
Waiter: Sorry, we haven't got Fanta. We have Coke, Diet Coke, water and beer.
You: Ok, I'll have a Diet Coke.
Waiter: A glass or a bottle?
You: Just a glass, thanks.
Waiter: So, a pizza Margherita and a glass of Diet Coke. Anything else?
You: Yes, please. I would like a dessert. What do you suggest? Waiter: We have Tiramisu, Panna Cotta and vanilla ice-cream.
You: Oh, I would like a Tiramisu.
Waiter: Ok, wait just a minute. I'll be right back with your drink.
You: Thank you very much. 

Meeting a friend

You: Hi Marco! How are you?
Marco: Fine thanks and what about you?
You: I'm ok! Where are you going?
Marco: I'm going to play football with friends!
You: I love playing football! Where are you going to meet?
Marco: Just round the corner, at the church football pitch. Would you like to come with me?
You: Sure, let's go! Are you good at football?
Marco: Not very much, but I enjoy playing very much! And you? You: I used to be a good football player, but it's a long time I don't play anymore.
Marco: Ok, we'll have fun anyway!

Asking information on the phone 

Assistent: Good morning. National Museum. May I help you?
You: Yes, please. When do you open in the morning?
Assistent: We are open from 10 a.m to 5 p.m. every day.
You: Are you open also on Sunday?
Assistent: Yes, sure. On Sunday we close at 6 p.m.
You: Ho much are the tickets?
Assistent: It's 10 Euros.
You: Have you got special prices for children?
Assistent: Sure: for children it's 4 Euros.
You: Where is situated the Museum?
Assistent: I'ts at the corner of Park Road.
You: How can we get there?
Assistent: You can take take the bus 45 or the Red Line to St. Mary's Church. If you come by car there's a three-level parking very close to the museum.
 You: We'll come by bus. Where is the bus-stop?
Assistent: Oh, it's just two minutes from here.
 You: That's all. Thank you very much.
Assistent: Thank you for your calling. Have a nice day.

Shopping for clothes

Shopping Assistent: Good morning! Can I help you?
You: Yes, please. I'm looking for a dress.
Shopping Assistent: Ok, what kind of dress? Elegant, formal, simple?
You: An elegant dress. It's for my daugher's wedding.
Shopping Assistent: Oh, I see! What colour would you like?
You: I'd like black, but I think it's not appropriate for a wedding... What colour do you suggest?
Shopping Assistent: I think a blue dress would be really nice.
 You: I don't like blue at all! Please, let me see something in pink
Shopping assistent: Ok, here is a beautiful pink dress.
You: It's too short for me. Have you got a longer one?
Shopping Assistent: Yes, here's a long pink dress.
You: This is really nice! Can I try it on?
Shopping assistent: Sure! What size?
You: A medium, please.
Shopping Assistent: Here you are. The changing room is there.

Shopping Assistent: Does it fit?
You: It's a little bit large. Can I have a small size, please?
Shopping assistent: Here you are.
You: Thanks. This fits perfectly! How much is it?
Shopping assistent: It's 100 Euros.
You: I'll take it. Can I pay with credit card?
Shopping Assistent: Of course! Please sign here. Goodbye and thanks for shopping here.
You: Thank you. Goodbye.

Past holidays

Jane: Laure, where did you go on holidays last summer?
Laure:  I went to Isola d'Elba with my family and my cousin Viola.
Jane: Did you stay in a hotel?
Laure: No, we went to a camping site.
Jane: How long did you spend there ?
Laure: We spent 2 weeks.
Jane: And what did you do? Did you meet people ?
Laure: Well, we went swimming and sunbathing. We went out to discoes. We slept very long in the morning and we met a lot of people. We made friends with so nice boys !
Jane: Waooh! You’re so lucky !
Laure: And you Jane, did you go on holidays ?
Jane: No, I didn’t. My parents had to work and I stayed with my grandparents in Genoa.

Future holidays

Mark: What are you going to do this summer?
Rob: We're going to travel to Paris.
Mark: Oh, that sounds great! Are you going to stay in a hotel?
Rob: I think so. My parents are planning our journey and they love romantic hotels.
Mark: So you're going with your family.
Rob: Yes, and also with my cousin Frank and his family.
Mark: Oh I see... Well what are you going to do there?
Rob: We're going to visit the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
Mark: Good! How long are you staying in Paris?
Rob: Unfortunately we're going to be away for only one week...
Mark: Well, it will be a great holiday anyway!
Rob: Of course it will! Thanks!!

Titoli possibili per l'esame di terza media

Tu e un amico discutete sulla partita (di calcio, di tennis, di basket) che avete visto ieri
Tu e un amico parlate del lavoro che vi piacerebbe fare in futuro
Dialogo con un amico incontrato per caso dopo tanto tempo
Dialogo di conoscenza con un nuovo amico
Tu e un amico decidete quale film andare a vedere al cinema
Dialogo con un commesso per comprare qualcosa (scarpe, vestiti, cibo)
Dialogo telefonico per avere informazioni 
Dialogo con un amico sulle vostre famiglie

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