The friends you have on a social networking site can help you enjoy your day at work, but don't expect too much from them as many of these "online friends" prefer to stay online only. My friend Julia met a friend of a friend, George, at a conference. They got on really well and started an online relationship. They found that thay had a lot in common. Their shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more then twenty messages a day. Julia looked forward to receiving George's messages when arrived at work. After a few weeks, however, Julia asked George if he wanted to meet up after work, but he always found an excuse not to. Then she received a strange message from him explaining how he didn't want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop contacting her. That was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again. You see, an online relationship takes a lot less energy than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of people who don't really want the responsability will try online friends instead. It's easier and, if you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!
venerdì 31 maggio 2013
Esercizio di comprensione in inglese.
The friends you have on a social networking site can help you enjoy your day at work, but don't expect too much from them as many of these "online friends" prefer to stay online only. My friend Julia met a friend of a friend, George, at a conference. They got on really well and started an online relationship. They found that thay had a lot in common. Their shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more then twenty messages a day. Julia looked forward to receiving George's messages when arrived at work. After a few weeks, however, Julia asked George if he wanted to meet up after work, but he always found an excuse not to. Then she received a strange message from him explaining how he didn't want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop contacting her. That was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again. You see, an online relationship takes a lot less energy than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of people who don't really want the responsability will try online friends instead. It's easier and, if you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!
Scegli l'alternativa corretta
The friends you have on a social networking site can help you enjoy your day at work, but don't expect too much from them as many of these "online friends" prefer to stay online only. My friend Julia met a friend of a friend, George, at a conference. They got on really well and started an online relationship. They found that thay had a lot in common. Their shared memories, and talked about their workmates. Sometimes they swapped more then twenty messages a day. Julia looked forward to receiving George's messages when arrived at work. After a few weeks, however, Julia asked George if he wanted to meet up after work, but he always found an excuse not to. Then she received a strange message from him explaining how he didn't want to have a relationship and how he had decided to stop contacting her. That was the end of the story, and she never heard from him again. You see, an online relationship takes a lot less energy than a face-to-face relationship. So a lot of people who don't really want the responsability will try online friends instead. It's easier and, if you have an argument, you can always just shut down your computer!
non mi è servito a molto perchè a me servivano i test e le risposte le davo io
Eliminain che senso?
lo saprà lui in che senso
EliminaFacciamo finta servisse..
RispondiEliminaNon vi sprecate col numero delle domande... (0)
Troppe davvero...
Salve! E' un problema di visualizzazione che può dipendere dal browser con cui si naviga o dal nostro blog che non carica in modo adeguato il documento in html con cui l'esercizio è stato realizzato...
EliminaProviamo a sistemarlo.
Grazie mille della segnalazione :-))
E' davvero molto utile per un buon ripasso.E' servito molto :)
RispondiEliminaè molto facile lo stesso grazie
RispondiEliminaci vorrebbe una reading con domande senza le 4 soluzioni sotto ....
RispondiEliminabisogna cercarle noi nel testo
grazie, molto utile per un buon ripasso!!!;)
RispondiEliminagrazie, mi è stato molto utile
RispondiEliminaNon è per niente utile... mi serviva un testo con le domande alle quali io davo la risposta e non c'era bisogno della croce.
RispondiEliminagrazie molto utile
RispondiEliminaCiao, secondo il mio parere servono esercizi con la domanda per esteso
RispondiEliminamolto utile
RispondiEliminabellisssssssimo però le domande dovrebbero essere libere
RispondiEliminaè troppo semplice! non ci sono domande trabocchetto e secondo me in qualche domanda al posto di esserci risposte multiple dovevano esserci risposte che dovevi scrivere tu....
RispondiEliminagrazie mille perchè mi ha aiutato moltissimo
RispondiEliminaripasso utile però sarebbe meglio se io dovessi scrivere... non crocettare
RispondiEliminaio domani ho un'esame e non penso mi sia stato utile è troppo facile ci dovrebbero essere almeno 4 risposte possibili queste sono poche
RispondiEliminaCarino, ma le risposte andrebbero scritte da noi.............
RispondiEliminaEsercizio a mio parere troppo facile e scontato. Avrei optato per qualcosa di più complesso che sarebbe sicuramente servito a qualcosa.
RispondiEliminatroppo facile ...
RispondiEliminanon è utile perchè servirebbe un testo lungo e non corto come questo e po le risposte sono solo due quindi se non è una è l'altra e poi le domande dovrebbero essere aperte.
RispondiEliminaGrazie se migliorate questo piccolo dettaglio altrimenti dirò a tutti quelli che conosco di non andare mai su questo testo e poi io d'inglese sono la prima della classe e ho dieci con lode e ho solo problemi di comprensione e questo mi ha abbassato la media e così in pagella ho solamente un scarso sette.
una buona giornata a presto :)
"Solo" problemi di comprensione?
Take care of your brain.. ;-)